Good to Great, Jim Collins a great look on how to move from average to excellent and what it takes to get to the top in the long term

The adversity advantage ERic w., Stephen C. understand hat it takes to use tough things to your advantage, we have a choice of being bitter or being better, get better !abundance now, lisa Nichols. move away from scarcity  you will get farther faster with abundance while have more joy

Awake the giant, tony Robbins. we all have something that stirs in us and thre is something that keeps that one things sleeping, wake it up with this powerful book.

essentialism, Greg McKeon. do what is essential, narrow life down and figure out your priorities, essentialism is a way of life

daring greatly, Brene Brown. vulnerability is scary and this fear holds us back; become more insightful and break through to live a life of greatness

mans search for meaning, Viktor Frankel. meaning and purpose will drive you beyond anything else learn from Frankel and how he survived world war 2 internment camps and change 30,000 lives with his redemptive perspective

failing forward, John Maxwell. failure is not the end is the just the beginningof a different path, learn how to use failure as a tool to move forward

Deep Change, flow

the 4 agreements, Don Miguel ruiz.


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